


School oversight
and governance structure

The Proprietor is ambitious for all pupils and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables the best possible outcomes for all. Governance and oversight is grounded in reality through collation of both high-quality objective data and a full understanding of the views and needs of pupils, team members, parents, carers, local communities and other stakeholders.

Education Governance Structure within Group Governance Structure



Petherton Park School is owned by the Phoenix Learning & Care Group. A South West based company with a range of specialist care and education services throughout the South, South West and South Wales.

Phoenix logo Full Crop

Registered Proprietor: Phoenix Childcare Ltd
Chair: Jonathan Pain

Registered Office:
Phoenix Learning and Care Group
5 Chinon Court
Lower Moor Way
EX16 6SS

t. 0330 135 8 135

Petherton Park School has its own dedicated management and teaching team under the leadership of the Head Teacher. The Petherton Park school team are complemented by Phoenix Group support functions covering areas including Quality and Compliance, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and IT.

Oversight of the Petherton Park School management is provided through an Operations Director (Education) who is responsible to the Chief Operating Officer.

Key decisions are referred to the Phoenix Learning & Care Board consisting of the Phoenix Group CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, an independent Chairman and non-executive directors.

In addition, the Group continues its robust governance oversight through Termly School Governance meetings which are led by the Operations Director for Education and members of the wider Educations Operations & Quality Teams. This process ensures that there is effective and meaningful operational governance and oversight of service delivery.

Petherton Park School Logo Large

Curriculum information
is currently being updated
and will be available soon

Feedback from last Academic year

Philosophy on feedback

As part of our approach to reflective practice Phoenix Learning and Care recognise and embrace the importance of developing a culture of continual learning and development.  We welcome feedback on our achievements and the opportunity to share best practice, however we equally understand the importance of learning from our shortfalls. As such we welcome hearing about where we may have not lived up to our high standards and we truly value the opportunity to reflect and learn about areas that we need to develop further.

Within the last academic year we have received the following number of compliments and complaints.  


If you would like to provide feedback to the school or wish to make us aware of a compliment or complaint then you can email the school direct.

Alternatively, you may contact our Operations Director for Education, Darren Jackson on:

We treat all concerns appropriately and all complaints are investigated thoroughly following our complaints policy and procedure which can be found within the Policies section of this website.  


Our proprietors Phoenix Learning and Care, welcome enquiries for placements in any of our services.

Please call us on 03330 150331 or email

We will provide an initial response to all enquiries as soon as possible, advising the options available and indicative dates of admission.

The referrals team can discuss the local offer and where appropriate, put you in contact with the respective Registered Manager or Head Teacher to discuss the practical areas in greater detail.

The Young Person and/or pupil are openly encouraged to visit along with parents, guardians or Social Workers to see if the placement is suitable.

Once the placement is confirmed, we work to ensure a smooth transition including the completion of required documentation.


We work closely with our children/young people, their families and professionals to create bespoke programmes of learning for pupils, which are tailored to their educational and social and emotional needs, supporting them to achieve their full potential. This means that we deliver a personalised curriculum, which, where possible, acknowledges the national curriculum and meets the individual needs of our pupils, whilst also supporting them to meet the outcomes identified in their EHCPs.

To achieve this, every pupil has an individual education plan which identifies their areas of need and how we can best address them, both in terms of staff approach and the curriculum that they are provided.  Our goal is to provide access to the best academic outcomes possible as well as preparing our pupils for adulthood and the next stage of their education by equipping them with the skills required to achieve personal success.