School oversight
and governance structure
The Proprietor is ambitious for all pupils and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables the best possible outcomes for all. Governance and oversight is grounded in reality through collation of both high-quality objective data and a full understanding of the views and needs of pupils, team members, parents, carers, local communities and other stakeholders.

Education Governance Structure within Group Governance Structure

The proprietor (Phoenix Childcare Ltd) is the owner of the school. As the proprietor Phoenix is responsible for the following:
- Employment of people to resource the school including, Teaching teams, administration and support personnel.
- As owner of the property and grounds to ensure that they are maintained, insured and meet compliance to the regulations for independent schools in addition to other statutory requirements for school premises.
- The welfare of all pupils whilst in the School and ensuring that all regulations relating to the safeguarding of children are adhered to including reporting to the ISA where necessary. The Proprietor is responsible for representing the School at Complex Strategy meetings which may be called to consider any allegations made involving the Headteacher.
- The Proprietor is responsible for setting the admissions policy for the School and for securing the agreement of the Department for Education for any ‘material change’ to these. The Proprietor is responsible for reviewing any permanent pupil exclusions from the School and arranging for any appeal against the exclusion. The Proprietor’s decision as to whether the exclusion should be upheld or not is final whilst ensuring that no aspect of the admissions or exclusions procedures unlawfully discriminate against pupil or parent who are covered under the Acts.
The Education Operations Team (EOT) are employed by the proprietor and work with the Head Teacher and school team to provide support, oversight, and governance to the school. This includes:
- Working effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the School and develop a culture of ambition.
- Provide a balance of challenge and support to leaders.
- Appointment and support to develop an effective Headteacher.
- Understanding the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of pupils currently in the School.
- Ensuring the school resources is properly managed including Pupil Premium (where applicable)
- Attendance at panels to hear, for example, exclusion appeal/s by pupils and their parents/carers, competency, disciplinary or grievance appeals by Team Members, escalated complaints as requested by the Proprietor or Headteacher.
- Receiving periodic progress reports from the Headteacher concerning all aspects of the School.
- Having an on-site presence at the School to provide oversight, observation and report within the remit of the EOT.
- Representing the School as required (e.g. at Open day events, celebratory assemblies, regulatory meetings, placing authorities).
The Headteacher is responsible for the educational performance of the School and for the internal organisation, management and direction of the School environment to include the Teaching and immediate support team. The Headteacher provides:
- Overall strategic leadership and, in conjunction with the EOT, leads, develops and supports the strategic direction, vision, values and priorities of the School.
- Develops, implements and evaluates the School’s policies, practices and procedures.
- Monitors that the School is complaint with the Independent School Registration regulations and where deficient takes necessary steps in cooperation with the EOT to rectify.
- Teaching – Leads and manages teaching and learning throughout the School.
- Promotes the safety, well-being, good order and discipline of pupils and Employees.
- Leads, manages and develops the School workforce, including assessing and managing performance.
- Organises and deploys resources within the School.
- Promotes the participation of Team Members in relevant continuing professional development.
- Consults and communicates effectively with the EOT, placing authorities, Proprietor, Employees, pupils, Parents and Carers.
Petherton Park School is owned by the Phoenix Learning & Care Group. A South West based company with a range of specialist care and education services throughout the South, South West and South Wales.

Registered Proprietor: Phoenix Childcare Ltd
Chair: Jonathan Pain
Registered Office:
Phoenix Learning and Care Group
5 Chinon Court
Lower Moor Way
EX16 6SS
Petherton Park School has its own dedicated management and teaching team under the leadership of the Head Teacher. The Petherton Park school team are complemented by Phoenix Group support functions covering areas including Quality and Compliance, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and IT.
Oversight of the Petherton Park School management is provided through an Operations Director (Education) who is responsible to the Chief Operating Officer.
Key decisions are referred to the Phoenix Learning & Care Board consisting of the Phoenix Group CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, an independent Chairman and non-executive directors.
In addition, the Group continues its robust governance oversight through Termly School Governance meetings which are led by the Operations Director for Education and members of the wider Educations Operations & Quality Teams. This process ensures that there is effective and meaningful operational governance and oversight of service delivery.